Hi There
Meet Tracie Turner
Led by Tracie Turner, a distinguished Pro Celebrity Makeup Artist with a Master's degree from LSU and a Bachelor's degree from Xavier University of Louisiana, Face By Trace is recognized as a leader in luxury beauty in the New Orleans metropolitan area. Tracie's extensive education and professional expertise are evident in the exceptional quality of work provided to each client.
Voted among the Best Makeup Artists in New Orleans, our studio has graced the pages of National Geographic, Essence, and New Orleans Weddings Magazine, and has been featured across major television networks including WGN America, the CW, VH1, Bravo's Southern Charm New Orleans, and OWN TV's Ready to Love.
Located just 15 minutes from the heart of New Orleans in Metairie, the Face By Trace Studio offers an elite beauty experience. Here, clients receive personalized, high-end beauty services that emphasize their individual beauty and style preferences.
The Face By Trace Pro Team is renowned for its ability to deliver superior makeup services for a variety of professional settings, including television productions, commercial shoots, photoshoots, and bridal parties. Whether it's preparing performers for the big stage or providing bespoke services for private clients, our team's meticulous attention to detail ensures standout results.
To book our acclaimed Pro Team or to experience our luxury makeup services firsthand, please contact us at tracie@facebytrace.com. Discover the artistry that makes Face By Trace a cornerstone of professional makeup services in New Orleans.